Photographer, Architect & Writer

The Peristyle: From City of Shadows

The Peristyle: From City of Shadows

This 6th issue of Cuentos del Norte Magazine may be viewed at:

Cuentos del Norte #6 Cover.jpg

The 1st issue of my magazine, CUENTOS del NORTE, is focused on HWY 90 and the TRANS PECOS of S.W. Texas. It can be viewed free of charge at: the link below:

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The 2nd issue of CUENTOS del NORTE: Tropicalismo can also be viewed for free at:

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The 3rd issue of CUENTOS del NORTE: Rome Noir can be viewed free at:

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My wife, Tania, and I have published Quetzal and Zopilote: a journey to middle america, the story of our 1970 trip via a single-engine airplane to Mexico and Guatemala. It can be viewed free of charge at this site:

Another book, DAMASCUS GATE: Memories of Palestine 1973, can also be viewed at:

Also, soon I will post chapters of another book-in-progress: Resurrecting the Dead: The Story of a French Quarter Restoration and Other Vignettes of the Crescent City.  (see menu) More will follow. 

                       I can best be reached by e-mail: